L'IES l'Estació lliura els "Premis de redacció en anglés"
OPEN ROADS patrocina el premi consistent en una setmana a Dublín
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Carla Soriano, Primer Premi, rep el seu "passaport a Dublín" |
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Badr Jenki rep el seu Segon Premi |
Finalment, el treball mereixedor del primer
premi ha sigut el de Carla Soriano Soler amb el tema "My Last Summer Holidays". Badr Jenki Jenki i Paula Torró Albero, han
aconseguit el segon i tercer premi, respectivament.
Segons opinió de Rafael Francés,
responsable d'Open Roads, i de Félix
Cortés, Cap de Departament d'Anglés, l'alumnat els ha sorprés gratament amb les
seues faules, històries i senzills però gratificants relats.
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Paula Torró rep el 3r Premi de mans dels responsables d'OPEN ROADS |
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Foto: Toni Ferrero |
Carla Soriano Soler (1r Premi)
My last summer holidays were incredible. I
think there isn't an adjective to describe it. Well, the first month was a bit
boring: going to the town pool with your friends, being lazy in the mornining,
watching typical TV programmes and, obviously, sleeping almost all morning and
hanging out with friends to eat a delicious strawberry ice-cream to refresh
your body from the hot sun. But this changed when I had an e-mail. It told me
that I was going to a summer camp in Riopar, Albacete during two weeks! Yeah,
that was my summer style: live an amazing experience out of my town, meet new
friends and have so much fun. I went there on 28th July and I returned home on
11th August. The camp was in the middle of nothing, and it's true. It was in
the middle of a forest, but it had a wonderful river. That river made a big
swimming pool, but its water couldn't be colder. Oh my god, that wasn't water,
that should be ice! Anyway, I had a bath...
In my cabin there were seven girls and me.
We got friends and we had so much fun together! I lived an incredible
experience with them!
Badr Jenki Jenki (2n Premi)
Since my childhood my dream has always
been to be an airplane pilot because I love travelling.
The last summer holidays I went to Hawai
with my family. I loved it because the beaches were fabulous. We slept in a
hotel next to the beach. I tried kayaking and I played football at the beach. I
climbed the tallest mountain in Hawai with my dad. It was fantastic!
I recommend you to go to Hawai. You can
meet good people and see a lot of exotic animals. If you want to travel, visit
Paula Torró Albero (3r Premi)
It was about 11 p.m. I was in my bed,
watching TV, a soap opera, really bad! But at 11 p.m. it was the only thing I
could watch on TV, so I watched it. One hour later, at 12 a.m. I felt sick, I
didn’t know why, but I was feeling worse and worse, so I decided to go to the
kitchen and drink my medicine. When I returned to my bedroom, I lied down and I
fell asleep.
Four hours after that, suddenly I opened
my eyes and I saw a big black spider on my face, oh my god! I woke up very
quickly and I started to scream and shout very loud. It was the worst experience in my life!
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