dimecres, 25 de juny del 2014

Premis de redacció en anglés

L'IES l'Estació lliura els "Premis de redacció en anglés"
OPEN ROADS patrocina el premi consistent en una setmana a Dublín

Carla Soriano, Primer Premi, rep el seu "passaport a Dublín"
Dins dels actes de final de curs celebrats divendres 20 de maig a l'IES l'Estació, es va fer lliurament del "Premi de redacció en anglés", per al Segon curs d'ESO, organitzat pel Departament d'Anglés, amb la col·laboració de l'AMPA i amb l'important suport i mecenatge de l'acadèmia ontinyentina Open Roads, especialitzada en organitzar cursos per a l'aprenentatge de la llengua de Shakespeare tant al nostre territori com a l'estranger. El gros del premi del concurs consisteix en una estada d'una setmana a la ciutat de Dublín.

Badr Jenki rep el seu Segon Premi
Finalment, el treball mereixedor del primer premi ha sigut el de Carla Soriano Soler amb el tema "My Last Summer Holidays". Badr Jenki Jenki i Paula Torró Albero, han aconseguit el segon i tercer premi, respectivament.

 Segons opinió de Rafael Francés, responsable d'Open Roads, i de Félix Cortés, Cap de Departament d'Anglés, l'alumnat els ha sorprés gratament amb les seues faules, històries i senzills però gratificants relats.

Paula Torró rep el 3r Premi de mans dels responsables d'OPEN ROADS


Foto: Toni Ferrero
Carla Soriano Soler (1r Premi)

My last summer holidays were incredible. I think there isn't an adjective to describe it. Well, the first month was a bit boring: going to the town pool with your friends, being lazy in the mornining, watching typical TV programmes and, obviously, sleeping almost all morning and hanging out with friends to eat a delicious strawberry ice-cream to refresh your body from the hot sun. But this changed when I had an e-mail. It told me that I was going to a summer camp in Riopar, Albacete during two weeks! Yeah, that was my summer style: live an amazing experience out of my town, meet new friends and have so much fun. I went there on 28th July and I returned home on 11th August. The camp was in the middle of nothing, and it's true. It was in the middle of a forest, but it had a wonderful river. That river made a big swimming pool, but its water couldn't be colder. Oh my god, that wasn't water, that should be ice! Anyway, I had a bath...

In my cabin there were seven girls and me. We got friends and we had so much fun together! I lived an incredible experience with them!

Badr Jenki Jenki (2n Premi)
Since my childhood my dream has always been to be an airplane pilot because I love travelling.
The last summer holidays I went to Hawai with my family. I loved it because the beaches were fabulous. We slept in a hotel next to the beach. I tried kayaking and I played football at the beach. I climbed the tallest mountain in Hawai with my dad. It was fantastic!
I recommend you to go to Hawai. You can meet good people and see a lot of exotic animals. If you want to travel, visit Hawai.

Paula Torró Albero (3r Premi)

It was about 11 p.m. I was in my bed, watching TV, a soap opera, really bad! But at 11 p.m. it was the only thing I could watch on TV, so I watched it. One hour later, at 12 a.m. I felt sick, I didn’t know why, but I was feeling worse and worse, so I decided to go to the kitchen and drink my medicine. When I returned to my bedroom, I lied down and I fell asleep.
Four hours after that, suddenly I opened my eyes and I saw a big black spider on my face, oh my god! I woke up very quickly and I started to scream and shout very loud.  It was the worst experience in my life!

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